E-LEARNING FOR 2035 2019-1-EE01-KA204-051646

Erasmus+ KA2 01.09.2019 – 31.08.2021


EDUCRAFTOR, Finland L.C. EDUCATIONAL, Cyprus Ljudska Univerza Jesenice, Slovenia Sintagmi impresa sociale SRL, Italy Vestifex Adult Learning Centre, Estonia – coordinator

Adult education is the key to sustainability and prosperity of society in future. In order to help adult learners to be self-directed in their development, meet the requirements of the labour market, discover new jobs, cooperate on international level, we should start with the educators and contribute to extending and developing their competences. 
The project partnership is represented by five organisations, working in the field of adult education:

EDUCRAFTOR, Finland; L.C. EDUCATIONAL, Cyprus; Ljudska univerza Jesenice, Slovenia; Sintagmi, Italy and Vestifex Adult Learning Centre, Estonia (the project coordinator).

The objectives of the project team: 
1. To make a foresight for adult education in 2035 including overviews of the researches made worldwide and recommendations for adult educators (IO1) 
2. To work out a e-learning course for adult educators "Competences 2035" with overview of all the main competences listed in future forecasts and focus on specific competences for adult educators according to the partners' backgrounds and experience (IO2).
The selected competences are:  Personalised learning and holistic teaching (approaches of adult educators) - Vestifex Adult Learning Centre, Estonia 
Innovation and design thinking (creation of new content by adult educators) - Educraftor, Finland 
Active learning and learning strategies, including unlearning and relearning (providing learners with a key for individual success) - LCEducational, Cyprus 
Education for social entrepreneurship and community health (competences to support learners for a sustainable society) - Sintagmi, Italy 
The first two groups of competences are connected first of all with adult educators' profile, the third - with learner's development on individual level and the last one - with learners' influence on society. 
3. To create a validation tool for the adult educator's competences listed above (IO3). The responsible partner is Ljudska univerza Jesenice from Slovenia, which has a centre for validation of informal knowledge. They carry out procedures for adult educators learning validation and develop approaches for the monitoring and evaluation of key competences. 
The project participants are 2 team members from each partner institution. They were selected at the preparation stage of the project and contributed to development of the project application. There are 10 persons involved in total. They are all adult educators. 
In order to develop an effective project the partnership has planned the following activities (apart from the local project work): 
1. Kick-off meeting at Cyprus: team building, working out a detailed methodology and activity plan, distributing responsibilities. 
2. Short-term joint staff training event in Finland followed by the local development work: collecting best practices of innovation and design thinking, sharing experiences and challenges, learning from each other and competence of the host country, designing foresight for adult education in 2035. 
3. Short-term joint staff training event in Italy: sharing the materials used and putting the e-course together using each partners' results and the feedback received from the team. 
4. Short-term joint staff training event in Slovenia: sharing and learning on how to support learning of adults (approaches and tools), presentation of the validation tool (prepared by Slovenian partners), discussion and updating if necessary. 
5. Final evaluation meeting in Estonia: finalising the intellectual outputs, preparing them for dissemination, evaluation of the results achieved and working on the project final report 
The project results will be exploited in further activities of the partner organisations: carrying out the e-course 'Competences 2035" for the adult educators, using the foresight Adult education 2035 and validation tool for development of international cooperation, increasing cooperation with local, national and international educational providers, implementation of the project findings and ideas for sustained transversal skills development of adult learners, supporting the development of the educator’s competencies. The project information and materials will be open to public (on organisations’ websites, on Erasmus+ and EPALE platforms) and can be used by any stakeholders in education.